Friday, September 4, 2009

15 Websites for Real Estate Investors to Search for Properties

These sites may or may not list properties in the local multiple listing service.

  16. Bonus:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Чи аз жаргалтай харагдмаар байна уу

Хаана ч очсон аз жаргалтай байж болно. Гэхдээ аз жаргал гэдэг ачаалалтай шаргуу хөдөлмөр хийж байх үед гэхээсээ илүү ихэнхдээ хүний амралт, хувийн амьдралтай хослох нь илүү байдаг шүү дээ.Ажил дээрээ аз жаргалтай байж болох юм хэмээн THE TIMES баталж байна. Үүний тулд бидний өгөх бяцхан зааварчилгааг дагахад л гүйцээ.

1.Аливаад өргөн цар хүрээтэй ханд
Ажлын цагаар тантай тохиолдож байгаа зүйл таны хувьд чухал ч гэлээ ёстой л амь биш,заяа биш гэдэгчлэн бүхий л амьдралыг чинь шийдчих зүйл биш.Таны амьдралын бусад хүрээнд байгаа бүхий л сайн сайхан зүйлийн талаар санаж дурсахыг хичээ

2.Аз жаргалд хүрч болно гэдгийг ухамсарла
Заримдаа хүмүүс ажлынхаа утга учир, баяр баясгалангийн эх үүсвэрийг анзүаардаггүй. “Аз жаргал” номондоо Таль Бен-Шахар бичсэнчлэн аз жаргалтай болох боломжийг бодит байдал болгон хувиргахын тулд хамгийн түрүүн ямагт сэтгэл дүүрэн байх боломж байгаа гэдгийг ухамсарла.

3. Болж буй үйл явдлыг нөгөө өнцгөөс нь хар.
Өдөр тутмын нэгэн хэвийн ажилд та ядарч байгаа бол одоо байгаа нөхцөл байдлаа ерөнхийд нь нэг харж үзээд чухам яагаад та энэ ажлыг сонгож авсан бэ гэдгээ өөрөө өөртөө сануул. Хэрвээ ерөнхий дүр зураг таныг үнэхээр туйлдуулж байвал та өөрөө хамгаас сайн хийж чаддаг тодорхой үүрэг даалгаварт л анхаарлаа хандуулахыг хичээ. Жижиг ч атугай ажлыг та амжилттай хийж гүйцэтгэн түүнээсээ авч байгаа сэтгэл ханамжийг дутуу үнэлэх хэрэггүй.

4. Аз жаргалтай хүмүүсээр өөрийгөө хүрээлүүл.
Үүний төлөө бусдын төлөө ямар нэгэн зүйл хийх хэрэгтэй байсан ч аль болох сэтгэл хангалуун байдаг хүмүүсээр өөрийгөө хүрээлүүлэхийг хичээ. Хүмүүс өөрт нь тусалж байгаад ямагт эерэг таатай ханддаг бөгөөд энэхүү эерэг эрч хүч танд ч гэсэн дамжина. Гоншигонож хилэгнэсэн хүмүүсээс аль болох хол бай. Сөрөг эрч хүч ч бас амархан халддаг юм шүү.

5. Бодит байдалтай эвлэр.
Дандаа л сөрөг үр дагварын талаар бодож шаналж байхын оронд таны амьдралд гарах өөрчлөлт ямар таатай боломж гарах вэ гэдэгт анхаарлаа хандуул.

6. Дээд зэргээр сайн ажилла.
Ажлаа дээд зэргээр сайн хийж гүйцэтгэж байна гэдгээ та мэдэж байх ахул энэ нь танд сэтгэл хангалуун байх нэгэн нөхцлийг бүрдүүлнэ. / Төлөвлөсөн ёсоор бүх зүйл яг таг гүйцэтгэгдээгүй байсан ч/ Үүрэг даалгавраа сайн биелүүлж байгаадаа өөрөөрөө бахарх.

7. Өөрийн хүч чадлыг зөв тооцоол.
Хэт ядрах, сэтгэлийн хямрал зэргээс болж байнга сэтгэл түгшүүртэй байх, амьдралдаа сэтгэл хангалуун бус байх мэдрэмж төрдөг. Спортоор хичээллэх, гэр бүлдээ анхаарал хандуулах, найз нөхөдтэйгээ уулзах, амарч алжаалаа тайлах гээд өөрт хэрэгтэй бүхий л зүйлд цаг гаргаж чадахуйцаар ажлаа зохицуул.

8. Үе үе амсхийж бай.
Хэрвээ та бүр туйлдаж гүйцсэн бол таныг ядрааж буй орчноос түр ч атугай холдох хэрэгтэй. Ганцаар гарч салхил, эсвэл ажлынхаа хүнийг аяга кофенд урь. Энэ нь таныг тайвширч. нөхцөл байдалд эрүүл ухаанаар хандах болмж олгоно.

9. Яаралтай арга хэмжээ ав.
Ажил дээр тань ямарваа нэгэн зүйл амьдарлыг тань баллахаар уршиг тарьж буй бол өөр хэн нэг нь асуудлыг шийдчих байх гэж бүү хүлээ. Өөрөө л тэр даруй асуудлыг шийдвэрлэж үгүй болго.

10. Өөрөө өөртөө үнэн ч бай.
Сонгосон ажилдаа угаасаа тохирохгүй учраас л ажил дээрээ тав тухгүй байдаг байх гэдэг бодол төрдөг үү? Хэрвээ та бидний дээр өгсөн зөвөлгөөнүүдийг даган биелүүлээд ч сэтгэл санаа тань дээрдэхгүй байгаа бол одоо ажиллаж байгаа газраа солихоос аргагүйд хүрэх нь.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ashton Kutcher Is On Parade

Gravitating towards fame
"Once I got a taste of it, I went: 'I can do anything. I can do absolutely anything.' And you start to believe it. I know it to be true because I've seen it happen. I've experienced it. I'm ambitious. I try to make it look like it's not work -- that's the biggest key. I've got it pretty good. There's no sense in making life seem like it's a struggle, because that doesn't make anybody feel better."

How he and Demi make it work
"The real trick is putting yourself around people you admire. That's why I married my wife. I locked in the brightest light in the room. My wife and I have an agreement in our marriage, and part of that contract is that we are going to shine our lights on each other. My relationship with Demi is so solid, thank God, and we're so communicative about the way that we're feeling that we don't allow space to come between us. I definitely believe that if you stop working at relationships, they go away."

On being more physically and emotionally exposed onscreen than ever before
"Why did I make a movie ['Spread'] with that kind of indulgence in cars and the fancy house, with my character manipulating people and seducing them? Because people can feel the pain of it. As much as you hate this guy for how selfish he is, you know that hurts. It's the tale of what happens when you're just a taker."

Back when times were tough
"When I told my dad I was going to move to New York and be a model, he didn't say I was an idiot, but he insinuated it. After a while, I was broke, really running out of money. Christmas was coming. I knew I had to go home for the holidays, but I couldn't expose the fact that it wasn't going well. So I bought my whole family these fake watches and fake Versace pants and fake anything I could find, like fake Calvin Klein t-shirts, so I could take them home and show them how well I was doing even though I didn't even have a place to live. I knew I wasn't going back to Cedar Rapids."

Trading up for a good night's sleep
"I never had to put myself in a compromising situation to keep going, but sometimes I think that would have been easier. It was always a good thing when you hooked up with a girl and got to sleep someplace nice for the night. I wasn't there to stay, but if you did hit it off with a girl, her place was always nicer than yours."

The downside of Hollywood life
"Of course there is a price. I've only been back home to Iowa once in the last year and a half to see my family. I go and shoot a film and spend months away from my wife and my girls. And that's a price to pay. I also don't get to see my friends very often. You can't complain when you're so blessed. I get so many things that the notion of me complaining is obscene. It's absurd. It's ridiculous."

Holding on to his wild sense of humor
"I'm still looking for trouble. I'm still disruptive. I'm still doing some things that other people don't like. I hear, 'You're a moron,' about once a day from someone in a genuine way -- not as a joke. I see it, and I read it. I don't have anything that's too sacred to make fun of. The truth is that I'm an idiot. I am. I don't do things by the rules sometimes. I say things that I probably shouldn't say. I push buttons. I deserve to be made fun of. And I feel like, as soon as you can make fun of something, it instantly removes the fear."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Preparation is a discipline that will open the door to confidence more quickly than you might imagine. We all know the feeling of having studied enough to max an exam, or to give a great presentation or speech. Many things can happen that are out of our control, but being prepared can definitely set you up in the right direction for success.

By Donald Trump.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

7 Traits Of Irresistible Men

We're not going to lie. A man boasting abs chiseled to perfection and biceps that pop just enough when flexed (without shredding shirts He-Man style) will no-doubt turn our heads. And even if caught mid check-him-out glance, we're not about to look away. Fit, toned bodies are the result of hard work and dedication to a healthy lifestyle. We certainly pay homage to that. But for a man to achieve a skyrocketing score on the sexiness scale there's got to be more to him than physical assets. Throw in these seven traits and he's guaranteed irresistible.

1. He Has Mastered The Wink. We don't know how they learn the technique but some guys really have the Richard-Gere wink down pat. There's an art to this wink and getting it right can be tricky. It's more suave and smoky than cheeky and laughable. He's comfortable giving this signal and has the timing to the tee. Done right, this move is pure sexy. Caveat: The wink can be tricky to pull off. Practice first.

2. He Radiates Calm. It's sending shivers up our spine just thinking about how powerful a man's calm presence can be. Neurotic or hyper or frenzied is stressful, no matter how busy the man or what his excuse. But if he's got cool written all over his face and his gaze is pure steady and peaceful his sex appeal will shoot through the roof (think old-school James Dean). We women can unwillingly fall into the trap of over-worrying about things we can't control. A man who sets us at ease by reminding us how things always manage to work out in the end is absolutely hot.

3. He Takes Care Of Himself. Look, we're not saying it's a certain height or build that matters. If he keeps his body in relatively good shape this shows us he knows how to take care of himself. It also clues us in that he sets health as a priority. What's more, if he's active, working out even a few times a week, the endorphins his body is producing during gym sessions are sure to keep him in good spirits and energized. The bottom line: If he takes good care of himself he's likely to take good care of his partner (or at least help keep her motivated to do so). That's a turn-on.

4. He's Got Style. We don't want to give the wrong idea here. This is not to say he has to be one certain type of style, and that mimicking a prescribed "it" style is a surefire path to sexy (whether that's clean-cut, tattooed-up or punked-out). Not at all. Rather, what's attractive in a guy is that he has a style at all, a way of dressing that reflects in some way who he is and what he's into. A guy who wakes up hum-drum and throws the same dingy shirt and pair of jeans on every day? Not sexy. At all.

5. He Has A Manly Scent. Sounds so animalistic, we know. No man can control his natural scent, and it turns out our DNA compatibility dictates who smells good to us, anyway. But, every guy can augment his essence with a spritz (one will do just fine) of cologne. As long as it's not overdone, a man with a strong scent has the potential to drive women wild.

6. He Is Affectionate. Though we women try not to let on, affection (be it an arm around the shoulder or hand on the leg) lights us up like fireflies. Consider it your secret weapon. By affection, we do mean to include expressing your feelings through words, such as "I love you." It's amazing how many hot men fall short of sexy just for lack of articulating and showing their love. Let's put it this way: There are guys who reach out to their partner while driving, and there are guys who keep both hands on the wheel and eyes straight ahead. The lads of the former group qualify for sexy.

7. He Laughs Loud, Hard, Often. No news flash here. Comedy is highly enticing. It's worth noting though that there are different types of humor. The insecure comedy that's based on putting others down or calling them names doesn't gibe with us. But give us fun-loving, belly-jiggling jokes and laughter and you'll head straight to the top of the sexiness charts.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ц.Саранцэцэгтэй хийсэн ярилцлага

-Бид "Зөв явбал зөөлөн зөөлөн замбуулин" гэж дуулах дуртай. Ер нь зөв амьдрал гэж юу вэ?

-Зөв амьдрал юунаас эхлэх вэ гэхээр зөв хооллолтоос эхэлнэ. Түүнээс биш тархин дахь эрдэм номоос эхлэхгүй. Ерөөсөө хүний амаар орж байгаа зүйл бүгдээрээ бие, сэтгэл санаанд шингэж байдаг. Эмэгтэйчүүд эрэгтэй хүнээс арай илүү уян зөөлөн сэтгэлтэй байдаг. Учир нь их хөнгөн амттай чихэр, гурилан боовыг илүү их хүнсэндээ хэрэглэдэг. Тийм болохоор эмэгтэй хүн илүү сайхан сэтгэлтэй байдаг гэж боддог.

-Сайхан эмэгтэй, сайхан эр хүн гэж таныхаар хэн бэ?
-Та нар "Тунгалаг Тамир" гэдэг номыг уншаарай. Түүн дээр "Цахиур" Төмөр гэдэг хүн бий. Би түүнийг сайхан эр хүн гэж боддог. Ер нь монгол эр хүнийг уултай зүйрлэмээр санагддаг. Цаанаа л нэг гүдэсхэн, буурь суурьтай, ухаантай шүү дээ. Харин сайхан эмэгтэй маань "Цэвэр охин" гэдэг дуунд гардаг. Эмэгтэй хүн бие, сэтгэл, үзэл бодлоороо цэвэр байх ёстой. Ер нь бүсгүй хүнээс амьдрал цацардаг юм. Мөн хэдэн хүнд амьдрал өгч, хичнээн хүний амьдралд тусалж, ямар хүнийг өөд нь татав гэдгээр эмэгтэй хүн үнэлэгдэнэ. Ингээд бодохоор бүсгүй хүний өмнө бүх амьдрал сөгдмөөр санагддаг юм.

-Одоогийн нийгэмд гэр бүл гэдэг үнэ цэнээ алдаад байна уу даа гэж бодох юм. Та үүн дээр ямар бодол байна вэ?
-Залуус маань шударга байж чадахгүй байна. Өчүүхэн, жаахан амьдралын төлөө ч юм уу, эсвэл мөнгө, нэр хүндийг олж авахын тулд ч байдаг юм уу. Ямар ч байсан амархан аргаар бүхнийг олж авах гэдэг. Энэ л зангаараа амьдрал зохиочихоод багахан бэрхшээлд бүдэрч салчихаад байх шиг санагдах юм. Гэр бүл гэдэг энэ ертөнц оршин тогтнох нэг хэлбэр юм. Үр удмаа үлдээнэ, аавыгаа харж хүү нь том болно, ээжийгээ үзэж охин нь өснө. Тийм учраас гэр бүлийн асуудалд хариуцлагагүй хандаж болохгүй. Өөрийн амьдрал дээр хэн нэгний амьдралыг аваад явчих чадвартай болсон цагтаа гэр бүл зохиох нь чухал.

-Хүний амьдралд мөнгө чухал хэрэглээ болжээ. Зарим хүн мөнгөөр бүх зүйлийг худалдаж авч болно гэсэн ойлголттой байх шиг санагддаг. Таны хувьд?
-Аз жаргалтай байхын тулд мөнгө хэрэгтэй гэж зарим хүн боддог юм шиг байна. Гэтэл мөнгөөр зугаа цэнгэлийг худалдаж авна уу гэхээс аз жаргалыг хэзээ ч олж авч чадахгүй. Хөнгөн хийсвэр, мөнгөнд шүтсэн амьдрал бол амьдрал аз жаргал ч биш. Хүнд тодорхой хэмжээний мөнгө байх ёстой. Гэхдээ тэр нь цэвэр ариун хөдөлмөрөөр олсон байвал мөнгөө хэрэглэж, арвидан хямгадахад ч амар. Тэрнээс биш зальдаж байгаад юм уу, эсвэл хөөрхөнөөрөө далимдуулж байгаад мөнгөтэй хүнтэй суучихъя гэж бодох нь өөрийгөө доромжилсон хэрэг гэж бодож байна. Зүгээр олдсон чихэрнээс зүдэрч олдсон хатуу ааруул илүү амттай байдаг.

-Нийгэм маань нэг л бухимдалтай санагддаг. Энэ нь хүмүүсийн амьдралд хандах хандлагад нөлөөлдөг байх. Та юу гэж бодож байна?
-Нийгмийг байшин гэвэл түүнийг бүтээгч нэг ширхэг тоосго нь хүн юм. Хэрвээ чи чанартай сайн тоосго нь байвал намайг дагаад нэлээд хэдэн тоосго нь сайн болчихно гэж бодох хэрэгтэй. Түүнээс биш өөрийнхөө арчаагүй байгаа байдлыг нийгэм рүү түлхэж болохгүй. Энэ бол ухаантай хүний шинж биш, зоригтойгоор өөрчлөх ёстой. Хүн халуун сэтгэлтэй, өөрийнхөө үзэл бодолд үнэнч байвал бүх зүйл болно гэж боддог.

-Хүсэл мөрөөдөлдөө хүрэхийн нууц нь юунд оршдог бол?
-Хамгийн нэгдүгээрт, хүн амьдрах эрчим хүчээр дүүрэн байх ёстой. Хүн нэг нэгнийхээ муухай аашинд өөрийнхөө эрч хүчийг алдчихдаг. Тийм учраас эрүүл мэнд нь муу байна. Өвчин залуужиж байна. Зарим хүн мартамхай гэдэг өвчин тусчихсан яваагаа мэдэхгүй. Өөрсдийгөө өвчингүй гэж бодоод байдаг. Гэтэл энэ нь хүний уураг тархины үйл ажиллагаа муудаж байгаагийн үзүүлэлт. Залуус маань энэ өвчнөөр өвчилж байгааг хараад харамсах юм. Мөн энэ нь аль хэдийн энергийн дутагдалд орчихсон явна гэсэн үг. Тиймээс хүсэл мөрөөдөлдөө хүрэхэд эрүүл мэнд чухал. Мөн "Шувууны сүүдэр шиг дайраад өнгөрөх шунхан улаан залуу насандаа баярлаж, хүнд итгэж, хүний итгэлийг дааж явбал хүсэл мөрөөдөл биелэнэ. Өөрөөр хэлбэл, сэтгэлийн сайхнаар тэр эрч хүчийг олж авдаг юм. Түүнээс биш дасгал, сургууль хийгээд ч юм уу, ламд очсоноор мөрөөдөл биелэхгүй.

-Та эх орон ээжийгээ хайрлах сэтгэлээс эхэлнэ гэж хэлсэн байдаг. Ер нь таны бодлоор эх орноо хайрлах хайр гэж юу вэ?
-Ээжийгээ хайрладаг хүн эх орон, эх дэлхийгээ хайрлана. Нэгэнт бидэнд амьдрал өгч, алдар нэр хайрлаж. байгаа эх орноо хайрлахгүй байна гэдэг мунхаг хүний шинж. Ээждээ хайртай хүн бол эх орондоо хайртай. Тэгээд би боддог юм. Дэлхий дахин даяарчлагдаж, байгаа өнөө үед хүнд үндэсний үзэл гэдэг зүйл байхгүй бол ямар ч утгагүй, зорилгогүй амьтан болно.

-Саяхан би "Донж" төвийн тэргүүн Б.Төгөлдөртэй уулзлаа. Тэрбээр Монголд хүн алга гэх юм. Таныхаар Монголд хүн байна уу?
-Би түүнийг хэзээ ч хүлээн зөвшөөрөхгүй. Эрүүл ухаантай хүн бодоход Монголоор, дэлхийгээр дүүрэн хүн байна. Б.Төгөлдөрийн лекцэнд сууж байсан. Өөрөө хүн ийм байх ёстой гэсэн стандарт тогтоочихоод түүнийгээ хайгаад байдаг. Тэгвэл тэр стандартад таарсан хүн өөрөө л байж таарна. Харин хүмүүс энэ бөндгөрөө жаахан ажиллуулахгүй бол амьтантай адилхан болчих гээд байдаг.

-Та өнгөрсөн сонгуульд нэр дэвшигч Ц.Элбэгдоржийг дэмжиж байсан. Зарим хүн үүнийг дургүй хүлээж авсан. Та үүнд ямар бодолтой байна?
-Монгол бол эрх чөлөөтэй орон. Эрх чөлөөтэй орны иргэн хүний хувьд үзэл бодлоо илэрхийлдэг байх хэрэгтэй. Би энэ эрхээ эдэлсэн төдий. Намайг эсэргүүцсэн олон хүн байсан. Миний хувьд Монголын ирээдүйг маш сайхнаар төсөөлж байгаа.

-Энэ жилийн баяр наадмаа хэрхэн тэмдэглэсэн бэ?
-Монгол хүнийхээ хувьд эрийн гурван наадмаа шимтэн үзлээ. Миний бодож байсан бөх түрүүлээгүй. Би До.Ганхуягийг түрүүлээд шинэ аварга болоосой гэж бодож байсан. Гэхдээ нартай, хуртай, сайхан наадам боллоо.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dating Advice: 10 Things You Don't Know About Liars

1. Their Legs Say a Lot
If a guy wraps his legs around the legs of a chair or stool, it's an indication that he's purposefully holding something back -- like the truth.
2. They'll Give You Pause
Ask a simple, straightforward question -- say, "Where were you last night?" or even "Are you cheating on me?" If there's a long pause or he repeats the question before answering, that's trouble.
3. Their Thumbs Betray Discomfort
If he's standing with his entire hand in his pockets -- in other words, his thumbs are in, not out -- he's feeling nervous. It's up to you to figure out why.
4. They Can't Lie in Reverse
If someone is telling a story you find fishy, ask questions that force him to relate events in a different order. While a person who's concocted a false story can tell it in a,b,c,d order, he'll often find it almost impossible to tell it in d,c,b,a order.
5. They'll Shrug at Odd Times
If he's saying something definitive -- "I was with my buddies last night!" -- while shrugging one or both shoulders, watch out. The movement indicates that he's subconsciously remaining uncommitted to what he's saying.
6. They Have Big Buts
Listen for phrases like this: "I know you'll think this is strange, but..." or "You're not going to believe this, but..." Chances are, whatever comes next is a lie.
7. Their Tongues Don't Lie
If you ask someone a question and he momentarily flicks out his tongue or licks his lips before answering, he believes he's about to get away with something.
8. They'll Hold Your Gaze
Sometimes a liar is so intent on proving his sincerity he'll stare into your eyes for an uncomfortably long time, trying to prove to you that he has nothing to hide.
9. They Can't Adapt
Just as a liar is unable to reverse the order of events in a falsehood, he also has trouble adjusting when one component is disproven. So if you're able to irrefutably call him out on one facet of a lie and he still refuses to change his story, you can be pretty sure that the rest is phony info too.
10. They'll Give You a Hand
A liar doesn't want you to examine what he says too closely. And so he'll often unconsciously bring a hand to his face -- to scratch a nose, or rub an eye, or stroke a chin -- in an attempt to "block" the words as they're coming out of his mouth.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Цаг хугацааг чи хожих болно

Цаг хугацаа таныг хүлээхгүй…гэвч та түүнийг хожиж чадна

1.Өглөө бүр 15 минутыг тухайн өдөр хийх зүйлсийнхээ жагсаалтыг гаргахад зарцуул. Өглөөд амждаггүй бол өмнөх орой нь юу хийхээ төлөвлө. Тэгвэл та ажлаа тайван хийх бөгөөд бүхнийг хийх гэж сандрахгүй болно.

2.Үг нисэн одож, цаас үлддэг. Тиймээс хийх ёстой зүйлс болон толгойдоо орсон шинэ санаа бүрээ цаасан дээр тэмдэглэ. Бичиж тэмдэглэх нь хийж гүйцэтгзхийн хагас гэдгийг бүү март.

3.Цаг үргэлж алхам алхмаар урагшил. Эн түрүүнд хийх зүйлсээ тодорхойлон амьдралдаа хэрэгжүүл.

4.Тєлєвлєгєє, хийх ажлаа тодорхой цагт үргэлж хардаг зуршилтай бол. Таны хийх зүйлс өөрчлөгдөж болно. Ингэснээр та үнэт цагаа дэмий зүйлд зарцуулахаас зайлсхийнэ.

5.Байнга өдрийн тэмдэглэл хөтөл. Хийх ёстой зүйлээ тэмдэглээд тухайн өдөртөө хэрэгжүүлсэн зүйлийнхээ ард тэмдэг тавь.

6.Ажлынхаа газарт буй анхаарал сарниулах зүйлээс хол бай. Ширээ тань цонхны дэргэд байрласнаас болоод өдөр бүр цагдаа, жолооч нарын хоорондох маргааныг харж цагаа хэрэггүй зүйлд үрнэ. Эсвэл хэрэгтэй хэрэггүй зүйл ярьжтаныг үймүүлдэг, ажилдаа анхаарлаа хандуулахад тань саад болдог ажлын найздаа анхааруулж, үгэнд тань орохгүй бол байраа соль. Мөн ширээн дээрх ажилтай тань холбоогүй зүйлийг ав.

7.Өнөөдөр яавал би зорилгодоо илүү хурдан хөрэх вэ? Үүнийг өдөрт 10 удаа өөрөөсөө асуу.

8.Нэг дор хэд хэдэн зүйлийг амжуулдаг хүнийг дуурайх гэж оролдсоны хэрэггүй. Нэг зүйлд анхаарлаа хандуулж, түүнийгээ дуусга.

9.Өөрийнхөө гаргасан шийдвэрт итгэлтэй бай. Өөрийнхөө аргаар тухайн ажлаа илүү богино хугацаанд дуусгаж чадна гэж итгэж байвал хэрэгжүүл. Бусдын зөвлөгөөг дагах гэж цаг алдах хэрэггүй.

10.Ажилтай холбоотой өдөр тутмын төлөвлөгөө гаргадаг шигээ 7 хоногийн төлөвлөгөө зохио. Ингэснээр та 7 хоногийн эхээр зүрхшээж, нозоорохоос зайлсхийжчадна.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eight tips for how money CAN buy you happiness

The relationship between money and happiness is one of the most interesting, most complicated, and most sensitive questions in the study of happiness.

Studies show, unsurprisingly, that money’s impact on happiness is greatest when you have the least amount of money.

But if you’re one of the lucky people who has enough money to cover the basics – food, shelter, even a car -- does that mean that money can’t make a difference to your happiness? Some happiness experts argue yes, but I think that’s…ridiculous.

The secret to using money to buy happiness is to spend money in ways that support your happiness goals.

Imagine that you have a certain amount of extra cash. How should you spend it?

One option: a fancy new TV set. Enticing. The fact is, however, that the new TV won’t give you much happiness bang for your buck. The hedonic treadmill describes our tendency to adapt quickly to changed circumstances -- which means you’ll get a big kick out of the TV for a short while, but you’ll soon take it for granted.

The hedonic treadmill means that buying STUFF isn’t very satisfying, but there are ways to spend money that are likely to help give you enduring happiness. Spend money to…

1. Strengthen bonds with family and friends. Studies show that having close relationships is one of the most important elements of a happy life. Pay for a plane ticket to visit your brother’s new baby, go to your college reunion, throw a Superbowl party.

2. End marital conflict. If you’re constantly arguing about the unkempt lawn, or the moldering laundry, see if you can throw some money at the problem. Can you hire the teenager down the street to clean out the garage?

3. Upgrade your exercise. Studies show that one of the quickest and surest ways to boost your mood is to exercise. If spending money on a new iPod, a more convenient gym, or a new pair of yoga pants will make it easier to get yourself off the couch, that's a good happiness investment.

4. Think about fun. Ask yourself – and be honest – what’s fun for you? Fishing, bird-watching, travel, hunting through flea markets, experimenting in the kitchen, skiing, scrapbooking? Make sure that your calendar reflects some activities that you are doing just for FUN. For happiness, you’re better off using your money to have a great experience than to gain a possession.

5. Serenity and security. Peace of mind is critical to happiness, so use the money to pay down your debts or to add to your savings.

6. Pay more for healthy food. It’s a sad fact that fruits, vegetables, and healthy food are more expensive than fast food, but eating healthfully will pay off in the long run, in terms of your good health and energy.

7. Spend the money on someone else. One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make someone else happy. Think about ways you could spend the money that would make a big difference to someone else -- whether someone you know, or a cause you support. How many new books could the library's children's room add to the shelves?

8. Think about YOUR priorities. Two years ago, some friends decided to skip an anniversary trip so they could use the money to buy a super-expensive Dux bed. I thought this was a bad idea, because the “hedonic treadmill” would mean that they’d quickly get used to the new bed. Oh, no. They still rave about their Dux bed. So maybe that fancy new TV set would mean a lot to you, although I, for one, would hardly notice the difference. As always, the key to any happiness question is to know yourself, and what makes YOU happy.

By Gretchen Rubin.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Эрэгтэй хүнийг өөртөө дурлуулах 8 зөвлөгөө

Эмэгтэй хүнд ямар ч эрэгтэй хүнийг дурлуулах нь маш амархан байдаг гэвэл итгэх үү? Гэвч өөрийн чинь хүссэн биш хүн, бас бусад хүмүүс энэ үед тан руу хандрах эрсдэл байж болохын!!! Эрэгтэй хүнийг өөртөө дурлуулах хамгийн сайн арга бол түүнийг тоохгүй байгаа мэт дүр үзүүлээд явах. Гэхдээ зүгээр нэг тоохгүй биш, түүний анхаарлыг гойд ихээр татчихаад тоохгүй байх нь тэр чамайг их сонирхох болно.

Түүнчлэн доорх аргуудыг туршиж үзээд түүний зүрх сэтгэлийг эзэмдээрэй.

1. Зөв орчинг бүрдүүл …
Дуу чимээ, хүн ихтэй, анхаарал сарних газраас холд. Харин зөөлөн хөгжим эгшиглэсэн намуухан газар оройн хоол идээрэй.

2. Итгэлтэй байдал ихийг бүтээнэ …
Өөртөө итгэлтэй эмэгтэй бол олон эрчүүдийн мөрөөдлийн эмэгтэй байдаг. Биеийн хэл чинь эерэг байх ёстой. Харин битгий хэтрүүлчээрэй.

3. Харц тулгар …
НҮД бол зүрх сэтгэлийг өгүүлж, сэтгэл рүү орох хаалга болдог. Байнга харц тулгарах чухал ч гэхдээ битгий ширтээрэй.

4. Халдаж боломгүй мэт бай …
Үргэлж түүн рүү анхаарал тавих хэрэггүй. Бас хүйтэн хөндий байсаар тэр чамайг сонирхохоо болихоос ч анхаараарай.

5. Түүнийг солиоруулмаар дүр төрхийг бүрдүүл …
Сайхан хувцаслаж, нүүрээ буд. Чиний дур татмаар зүйлүүд болох нүд, хүзүү, уруулаа илүү тодотго. Хэрэв чи өөрийгөө толинд хараад гайхалтай байна гэж үзвэл хийх ёстой үүргийнхээ хагасыг биелүүлсэн гэсэн үг!

6. Дууныхаа өнгийг өөрчил …
Түүний чихэнд аяархнаар дууныхаа өнгийг өөрчлөөд ямар нэгэн юм шивнэ. Тэр чамд дурлах болно.

7. Айлгүйт …
Чи түүнд маш олон аргаар айлгүйтэж чадна. Нүдээрээ цавчлан эмзэг, халдмааргүй харагд. Хөгжилтэй зүйл ярингаа түүний мөр, бугуйнд хөнгөхнөөр хүр. Ярьж байхдаа үргэлж толгой дохихын оронд өөрийн үзэл бодлоо илэрхийлж бай гэх мэт.

8. Сайхан үнэртэй бай …
Чи сайхан үнэртэж байх ёстой. Гоё үнэртэй сүрчиг түрхээрэй, гэхдээ хурц ч биш, бас мэдэгдэхээргүй ч биш байх хэрэгтэй. Тухайн сүрчгээ биеийн дезодаранттайгаа хослуулбал илүү үр дүнтэй.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Top 10 Fast Beauty Fixes

Most of us don't have a ton of time to primp and prep—after all, you've got a million and one tasks on your to-do list and applying your makeup doesn't even rank in the top 30. The good news is, achieving your beauty goal, whether it's clear skin, beautiful nails or shiny hair, doesn't have to use up tons of time or money. After years of working with genius beauty editors, I've learned that making simple tweaks to your routine (rather than total turnarounds) can help you look gorgeous in almost no time at all. Test-drive a few of these quick, easy beautifiers and soon you'll be showing off an amazing look in mere minutes.

Sleep your way gorgeous
A cotton pillow doesn't allow skin to glide over its surface, causing sleep lines and dents. Over time, the repeated pressing can lead to permanent creases. Instead, cover your pillow with a case made of silk or satin (synthetic is fine) and get gorgeous while you sleep.

Make your hair shine
Healthy hair starts in the shower. Suds up with shampoo at the roots (where oil concentrates) to avoid drying out the rest of your hair. Condition from midshaft to ends; avoiding extra moisture at the roots helps maintain your style so you can cut back on washes to every other day or less often. Then wrap wet hair in an absorbent microfiber towel to start the drying process to cut back on frying blow-dry time.

Cover your hands
Washing the dishes and cleaning your house can expose your hands to harsh, drying chemicals. Water also swells nail layers, leading to splitting and chipped polish. Wear protective gloves when you submerge your skin in a cleansing solution, and your hands (one of the first zones to show aging) will earn applause.

Make SPF the encore
Always apply sunscreen last—after serums and lotions—so it can form a protective barrier. Use a foundation brush to push the formula into the hairline, an often-overlooked spot where skin cancers are on the rise. (While you're at it, rub some on ears, another susceptible spot that's often snubbed.) Then wait three minutes (the length of your favorite Beyoncé song) before applying makeup.

Nibble your teeth whiter
No time to brush between meals? Grab a crunchy fruit or veggie snack such as an apple, pear, celery stick or some baby carrots. Munching revs saliva, which shows up on the scene to flush away particles that could stain your smile.

Get flawless-looking foundation
For a natural finish, apply base or tinted moisturizer with a foundation brush (it has a flat, upside-down U shape). Before moving on to blush, puff out your cheeks like a blowfish and run a cotton swab over smile lines to remove makeup that may have settled.

De-stress in the shower
After sudsing up with shampoo, press the pads of your fingertips into your scalp in a circular motion, going up and down your head, along the hairline and around ears. Don't just move the hair around—move your scalp. Doing so whisks away oil at the roots and instantly relaxes you.

Shave smarter
Wait no longer than three minutes after getting in the shower before picking up your razor. Warm water softens hairs, but too much soaking can cause skin to swell, hiding them. Result: postshower stubble. To avoid ingrowns, shave in the direction of hair growth first (downward on legs; upward under arms), then again in the opposite direction.

Power up your body lotion
Rather than slather chilly lotion all over, heat a handful with your hair-dryer until warm. (To avoid causing a mess, set your dryer on low and aim it down toward your palm, at least 3 inches away.) You'll be more likely to cover your whole body—and ensure soft-as-silk skin—when your routine has a pampering spin.

Swipe a straw
Dark soda, red wine, coffee and deep-colored juices can stain teeth. Consider ordering beverages that are light (such as pinot grigio and chamomile tea) and clear (seltzer or plain old water) instead, and limit dark ones to two a day and sip them through a straw to avoid contact with your chompers.

By Lucy Danziger.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


By Annie Stuart
WebMD Feature
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD.

Happiness can be a paradox: The more you reach for it, the more it seems to slip through your fingers. “Ask yourself if you’re happy, and you cease to be so,” says Darrin McMahon, PhD, author of Happiness: A History.

How could this be true? Could it be you’re looking for happiness in all the wrong places? Do you think happiness is what you get when you get what you want? Some say happiness is a little like falling in love, that you can’t make it happen. If that’s the case, then how can you become happier?

At the 2008 Happiness & Its Causes Conference in San Francisco, a wide range of people -- from scientists, doctors, and psychologists to artists, philosophers, and Tibetan Buddhists -- offered their thoughts on the topic. Here are a few of their tips for overcoming six common barriers to happiness.

Happiness Barrier No. 1: Complexity

Solution: Simplify

Schooled in Buddhist monasteries since childhood, Thupten Jinpa, PhD, knows a thing or two about the benefits of simplicity. Why do you think monks and nuns shave their heads, he asks? For one, it simplifies their lives.

A principal English translator to the Dalai Lama, Jinpa is no longer a monk. But he still holds on to some of the lifestyle's spartan values. “My family has a one-car policy,” he says, pointing out the hassles of owning more than one -- the costs, the maintenance, and the time managing the details. Multiple credit cards? They don’t create freedom or happiness, he argues -- although, these days, he might get less of an argument about that.

Modern life has elevated individual choice to the highest level, he says, but these choices come at a big price. “We often conflate quality of life with standard of life,” Jinpa says, “but after a point, the connection [between the two] disappears.”

If you simplify your life, you create more space in your day, making it possible to reflect on your life.

Happiness Barrier No. 2: A Breakneck Pace

Solution: Take a Pause

The same culture that entangles you in a web of complexity may also have you on the constant chase, Jinpa says. “That kind of tension takes a toll on your soul and your psyche.” Whether you call it meditation, silence, or prayer, taking a “pause” just a few minutes a day can help you “recharge your batteries” and make you feel happier. A good time to do this is in the morning. Without it, your life may feel out of control.

Venerable Robina Courtin, a Buddhist nun and organizer of the Happiness & Its Causes Conference, recommends spending these minutes practicing mindful meditation. “During the day, we’re completely absorbed by our senses,” she says, “so we don’t pay attention to our minds.” Sit in a quiet place and simply anchor your mind on your breathing. When your mind wanders, bring it back to your breath. Through this process, you learn to observe what your mind is saying.

Happiness Barrier No. 3: Negativity

Solution: Let go

“Your prison is nothing in comparison with the inner prison of ordinary people: the prison of attachment, the prison of anger, the prison of depression, the prison of pride.” wrote Lama Zopa Rinpoche to a California prisoner, a student of the Liberation Prison Project, which offers Buddhist teachings to people in prison.

Some might view this statement as a bit of an exaggeration. But negative, compulsive thoughts do have a quality of stickiness to them, Jinpa says. How you see things and the way you experience the world are strongly linked, making it critical to adopt a positive outlook. “You interact with the world through your senses and mind,” he says. “If you can find a way to stand at the doorway of your senses, you can have a say in how you experience the world.”

In our culture, though, we take it as natural that people are angry, depressed, or dejected, Courtin says. “No wonder we get depressed -- it’s a depressing world view. It says you can’t do anything about it.” If you believe your abusive boss, father, or partner is the main cause of your suffering, for example, then you’ve tied your own hands and risk becoming imprisoned by toxic thoughts.

The Buddhist view, by contrast, is that happiness is what you get when you give up a neurotic state of mind, Courtin says. It’s empowering, she says, because knowing you can change it gives you the courage to look inside, pay attention, and take responsibility for your thoughts. Rather than judging negative thoughts, Courtin advises observing them with compassion. Then ask yourself, “What can I do about this?”

Techniques like mindful meditation can help with this, but may not be for everyone, especially those experiencing severe depression, says Philippe R. Goldin, PhD, research associate in the department of psychology at Stanford University.

But there are other simple steps you can take to counteract negativity and enhance your happiness. Practicing gratitude is one. People appear to have a certain set point for happiness, a range that’s influenced by genetics. But those who regularly practice gratitude can enhance this set point by as much as 25%, reports Robert Emmons, PhD in his book, Thanks!: How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier. Through his research, Emmons found that people who kept gratitude journals felt better about their lives, exercised more, and were more optimistic.

Happiness Barrier No. 4: Despair

Solution: Stay hopeful

Did a parent attempt to protect you as a child by saying, “Don’t get your hopes up”? There’s no evidence that hope is hurtful, says David B. Feldman, PhD, assistant professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara University in California. Instead, hope can greatly enhance happiness in people.

But genuine hope isn’t a yellow smiley face or the denial of death at the bedside of a loved one in hospice, says Feldman, who’s pursued research and clinical work addressing the question: “How do people maintain hope and meaning in the face of adversity?

Three components are essential for hope to thrive, Feldman says. They are having goals, as well as a plan and the motivation to achieve them. “Those who succeed don’t internalize the blame game, either internally or externally,” he says, “They ask, ‘what now?’”

In addition to reaching goals, these people perform better in sports and school, Feldman says. They have a greater tolerance for pain. They use health-promoting behaviors. They also have a lower risk for depression, anxiety, and heart disease.

Feldman advises setting personally meaningful goals and checking to see where your hope falters -- is it with the plan or the motivation? Allow yourself to daydream, he says. It’s a wonderful source of hope and, therefore, happiness.

Happiness Barrier No. 5: Suppressing sadness

Solution: Feel the real

Having a positive outlook doesn’t mean you never allow yourself to feel sadness. The parents who try to protect their children from dashed hopes -- or any kind of sadness -- may actually produce the opposite effect than is intended, says James R. Doty, MD, director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University. Some suffering, he says, makes you a whole person and allows you to acclimate and move forward in your life. Doty speaks from experience. He had an alcoholic father and invalid mother. He lived on public assistance for much of his youth.

“Happiness is not the absence of sadness,” says David Spiegel, MD, medical director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. It is not a stiff upper lip or the pop psychology mantra, intoning “always stay upbeat” in the face of cancer. “Phony happiness is not good.” By suppressing sadness, you suppress other, more positive emotions, as well, he says, so people who try to suppress emotions actually become more anxious and depressed.

By finding outlets for sadness and frustration, you gain some measure of control, Spiegel says. Using others as a sounding board -- not as a toxic dumping ground -- can help convert generalized anxiety and depression into targeted feelings you can address with specific solutions.

Happiness Barrier No. 6: Navel-gazing

Solution: Connect with others

How important are social networks to your happiness? Perhaps even more important than you realized. A recent 20-year study of more than 4,000 people showed that happiness is influenced not just by your immediate friends and family. The happiness of a friend of a friend of a friend -- someone you’ve never even met -- can also influence your happiness. It turns out that happiness can spread through social networks, like a virus.

Unfortunately, many people spend so much time by themselves navel gazing, they don’t benefit from this positive “contagion.”

The more self-absorbed you are, the more your world closes in, and the less realistic you become, all of which produces a vicious circle. “You become oblivious to the needs of others, and the world shrinks still more, making you less able to see outside yourself.” If asked, ‘Why are your problems so special?” says Jinpa, you might respond, “Because they’re mine!”

“If you have such a huge ego, you’re setting yourself up as a huge target, which can easily get hit,” Jinpa says. But using a “wide-angle lens” instead helps you see connections you wouldn’t otherwise see, such as the universality of suffering. All it may take is having a loved one diagnosed with a serious disease to realize how many people are grappling with similar challenges. Feeling joined by others on this journey provides some comfort and happiness.

The straightest path to making connections like these? Compassion and caring for others.

Even primates seem to understand this, says Robert M. Sapolsky, PhD, author of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers and research associate with the Institute of Primate Research at the National Museum of Kenya. Primates that groom each other after a stressful event experience a reduction in blood pressure. The clincher? Grooming others has a greater impact than getting groomed, says Sapolsky.

Compassion engages us with others, removes isolation, builds resilience, and leads to deep fulfillment, says Doty. “Without compassion, happiness is simply short-lived pleasure.”

Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, may have said it best: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion; if you want to be happy, practice compassion.”