Thursday, October 30, 2008


Өсөхийн цагт санууштай нь
Бишрэл, хичээл, сэтгэл гурав
Өөдлөхийн тулд нягтлууштай нь
Сургааль, үнэн, үлгэр гурав

Ачлахын дээдээр ачлууштай нь
Ээж, аав, эх орон гурав
Асрахын дээдээр асрууштай нь
Өтгөс, нялхас, хань гурав

Ялахын түрүүнд ялууштай нь
Бие, хэл, сэтгэл гурав
Яруу төгс сурууштай нь
Яриа, дуу, хөгжим гурав

Эгшин бүрийд цэгнүүштэй нь
Бие, хэл, сэтгэл гурав
Эгнэгд тордож явууштай нь
Билэг, ухаан, чадал гурав

Бадарч дээшлэхийн үндэс нь
Сэрэх, санах, тэмүүлэх гурав
Баларч дордохын тэмдэг нь
Унтах, мартах, тэрслэх гурав

Ажиллах цагийн хэмнэл нь
Өглөө, өдөр, орой гурав
Амьдрах цагийн хэмжээ нь
Балчир, идэр, өтөл гурав

Мөчид хоосны жишээ нь
Өнгө, мөнгө зэрэглээ гурав
Мөнх бусын дохио нь
Өтлөх, элэх, буурах гурав

Ажил бүтээхийн эрэмбэ нь
Мэдлэг, чадвар, дадал гурав
Аливаа шинжээс эрхэм нь
Мэргэн, түргэн, даамай гурав

Тэтгэх горимын эх нь
Наран, саран, хайр гурав
Тэжээх шимийн үндэс нь
Гал, ус, газар гурав

Үйл бүхнээс эрхэм нь
Бодох, туурвих, дэмжих гурав
Үнэн бүхний туйл нь
Төрөх, орших, үхэх гурав

/Говийн Догшин ноён хутагт Дулдуйтын Данзанравжаа/

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dress for Success

With summer just around the corner, a lot of employees in a lot of businesses start dressing like it’s Casual Friday every day of the week. They utterly forget about professionalism and start dressing totally inappropriately for work.

In fact, Monster, an online job and recruiting site, conducted a poll about the biggest fashion faux pas in the office. Employers complained the most about employees who came in to work wearing tank tops and visible underwear. They also had a problem with employees who wear flip-flop sandals, Hawaiian print shirts, and shorts.

Of course...because none of that belongs in a professional environment. If you want people to take you seriously in the workplace, you have to dress the part.

When people come to me for a job interview, I expect them to look the part. If they’re not willing to wear a suit and tie, it’s probably not going to work. I’ve actually had people come to me in undershirts. They may be very talented but it’s impossible to get past that first impression.

Appearance really does matter. Whether you’re in the boardroom or a party or no matter what you’re doing, how you dress says a lot about your personality.

If you look successful, you’re going to be successful.

By Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump’s Advice . . .

I’ve known about the 90/10 Ratio for a long time, but Robert gives us all a good reminder about it.

Pretty soon, if we don’t start paying attention, it could reach the 95/05 ratio, or even 99/01, with 1 percent of the people owning 99 percent of the nation’s assets.

Winners shouldn’t let that happen, and I hope that includes you. How can you tap into the power of that 90/10 principle? It’s important to have dreams.

“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp,” as Robert Browning said. That’s what keeps us going.

I like to say, “If your reality begins with your dreams, your dreams will become your reality.”

Why is that? Because to think otherwise leaves us at the level of mere survival, which is not what most people want. Did you ever hear a young person say that he or she hoped to become a bum someday? I haven’t either.

Usually young people say that they want to be the president, an astronaut, a fireman or a doctor. Those are demanding and sometimes heroic professions and young people have the dreams and aspirations to match them.

Another way to get the rule working for you is to remain young at heart - to aim high and have the enthusiasm and the plans to achieve what you are aiming for.

Don’t hesitate to have wild dreams. They are so much better than having no dreams at all. Pay attention to your dreams, then focus on what it’s going to take to achieve them.