Friday, February 19, 2010


Би амьдралд дандаа азтай, аатай явсан. Харамсах юм юу ч байхгүй. Сайхан ч амьдарсан. Энэ амьдралыг би үрэн таран хийгээгүй, амжилт­тай, аатай, азтай, үр бүтээлтэй, зөв шударга ашигласан. Эц­сийн бүлэгт хүнд энэ л бахар­хал юм гэж боддог, амьд явсны утга учир энэ биш үү? Зөв явж чад­вал хорвоо зөөлөн шүү дээ. Эрх чөлөөт хүн өөрийнхөөрөө амьд­рах шиг сайхан юм хаа байнa.

Erin Meanley: 31 Things I Wish I'd Known About Dating When I was 21

Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday! And yes, I forgot to say, Scott is indeed reading the blog. It’s really embarrassing—he went to the archives and found out so much info, like that I don’t like men in sweatpants, that I’ve video dated, and that I like to be put in a cab. I totally forgot I ever wrote or thought some of this stuff!

Also, I never realized how many opinions I have about dating. I’ve been dating so long I’m like an octogenarian who feels overly strong about what strawberries should cost or how children should act in public. Anyway, here are some things I’ve learned in my 31 years, and what I wish I'd known about dating ten years ago:

1. If you’re confused about whether a guy likes you or not, that’s probably not good. Confusion in romance belongs only in romantic comedies because it suspends the plot, but suspense in real life sucks. So try not to analyze the events. The truth will reveal itself without you having to do anything.

2. Sometimes guys flirt with you or pay attention to you because it makes them feel good about themselves. (Hey, we do it, too.)

3. Even a guy who will admit that you’re better looking than him should still be able to tell you you’re beautiful. If he holds back in order to control the situation, or to keep you, or keep you down, he’s got issues.

4. Don’t help him ask you out by texting him something nice or polite. I’m glad you’re more outgoing and thoughtful than he is, but he doesn’t want the help.

5. Guys want to get busy more than anything. They’ll say anything to close the deal.

Related: When it Comes to Sex, How Safe is Too Safe?

6. It’s shocking how much guys will talk about marriage. Until there’s a ring on your finger, it will be better for you if you pretend you’re deaf.

7. It’s better not to lift a finger in the beginning.

8. In the early stages, giving him presents is too much. Generosity looks desperate to guys. You may be a great shopper and gift-wrapper; it may be his birthday and you may be wild about birthdays—even still, he’ll think you’re just wild about him. Too wild.

9. Guys just do not think like girls. I wish I’d had a brother. Real boys are nothing like the boys in movies.

10. They might take a decade to mature. Don’t hope they’ll grow up or be ready in the next six months.

11. Even if your family thinks there’s going to be a marriage, don’t let them spoil your guy. Yes, he’s grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it.

12. Learn to cook. Learn to cook well. I see now that it would have won me a lot of points. A LOT.

13. Just because he might be smarter than you or more talented at certain things doesn’t mean he’s your servant and won’t mind doing all your homework/research/chores.

14. Guys get resentful, too.

15. You’re special, unique, and important, but you’re not a princess—no matter what Daddy says (although for the record, my dad calls me “Erin”).

See our tips: 10 Things Your Man Never Needs To Know

16. It’s okay to say no. It’s more than okay. It’s always okay. If he stops calling (and many, many, many will), you’re only weeding out the guys who aren’t truly interested in you as a person. Time saved!

17. Playing it safe guarantees you'll have more time and energy to think about your grades or your work. Less drama in your life will always be better and healthier for you.

18. You deserve to be treated like a human being.

19. Your wants and needs are just as important as his, and if you don’t express them because you think it will scare him away, then you’re saying you don’t count as much as he does.

20. Even sophisticated people with professional jobs can have tempers or hit you or use foul language. I’ve known men who dressed like diplomats but they were ugly human beings.

21. You can’t force chemistry. If you like him as a friend, the attraction might grow, but if it doesn’t, don’t force it. And don’t waste his time.

22. Ease up on the sauce. Alcohol clouds your judgment.

23. No boyfriend-girlfriend relationship starts with a 1 a.m. booty text.

24. When a guy has taken you to Applebee’s five times and you say you want to treat him, he'll be psyched. But secretly he'll freak out if you take him to Ruth’s Chris, even just the one teeny time. Don’t try to match him one Ruth’s Chris for five Applebee’s. Take him out, but go to T.G.I. Friday’s.

25. Women love attention. A guy needs to be pretty crazy about you in order for him to pay enough attention to make you happy long-term.

Related: Totally Honest Sex Tips

26. My mom always said, “Men don’t think.” I thought she meant, “They are mistaken in their thoughts.” But they’re just not thinking anything at all. About you. They’re watching the game. That’s why they haven’t called.

27. There should be a medium ground between workaholism and his absolute devotion. “The knight departing for new adventures offends his lady, yet she has nothing but contempt for him if he remains at her feet” (Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 658).

28. Never underestimate the quality of “interesting.” Men want someone interesting. They really do. Find some hobbies.

29. What are you hoping to gain by hooking up with this guy? If the answer is “him,” that’s a bad deal for you. “The woman gives herself, the man adds to himself by taking her” (de Beauvoir 659).

30. Expectations? They’ll ruin every dating experience you have.

31. You will never understand men. Just try to understand yourself.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vital Steps to Launch Your Social Bookmarking Campaign

The Internet is a popular source of information and resources that can be very useful for various purposes. There are many people these days who are already taking advantage of the internet, may it be for personal, academic, networking or business goals.

As a business owner, you must not disregard the power of many online schemes. You never know, but most of the people in your target market group are already spending long hours online. If you still haven't started, you better act fast to know more about the vital steps towards a successful internet marketing launch. You still have a long way to go before you can master the craft, but as soon as you start taking interest in the things that matter, you will reach your goals in due time.

There are a multitude of definitions and terms that you have to start familiarizing yourself with before you begin. One such term in internet marketing is known as social bookmarking. To help you get a better grip on the concept, here are the essential things that you have to know about it:

The Benefits of Social Bookmarking

This may sound harder than other online tools like social networking, but once you have learned how to work things out, you will realize that the steps are actually simple and easy to understand. The term refers to the kind of method that is utilized by online users to be able to organize, manage, share and search the lists on their bookmarks (which are composed of useful online links). The bookmarks serve as reference to people who may need the information that these contain.

To make sure that it will be easier for users to gauge if the links will be useful to their search, metadata that contain brief descriptions of what the links are all about are added. Aside from detailing what the user can expect once they have clicked the link, it will also be easier for them to decide whether they will do it because they no longer need to download anything, which many users find threatening and waste of time. The descriptions vary from text comments or favorable and unfavorable votes regarding the quality of the content. Another popular tool that is implemented on this section is known as folksonomy or social tagging.

Social tagging is done by users through adding metadata or keywords to the shared content. This is better than when you opt to use the more common automated resource location like search engine spiders. For one, the tags are created by humans who know what people are searching and want to find out about. They also know the heart of the sites and how these sites can be useful to internet users. These people also have the ability to find out if the web pages that are included in the bookmarks are not yet indexed by web spiders. Through constant checking and making sure that the links are worthy to be included on most users’ bookmarks, the medium can help in boosting the popularity of these sites.

The tool is indeed very useful because through it, an average user can get access to a consolidated set of bookmarks. The set may include the bookmarks, which were set on different computers. This is also essential on libraries because they can easily give out lists of links that are instructive and essential to those who are asking for help.

How to Utilize the Medium for Business Marketing

Big and small business owners alike can benefit from this tool if they use it to promote their website and products and services as well as to get free PR. Here’s a brief rundown on how to go about the process.

1. Find the most popular sites for this purpose. You can start with these leading sites -, Digg, Yahoo and Furl. Follow the steps on how you can set up an account on these sites. To make it easier for you, be ready with your preferred public user name and password that you will use to access these sites. You should also include a business-like profile that will make you sound trustworthy and appealing, which must include URL to your blogs or websites. Familiarize yourself with how these sites work by spending time on each and by browsing the manuals and other tools that may provide more information.

1. Download the buttons that are available on the sites so you can place them on your own website. Through them, you can invite and sway more people to include your posts on their bookmarks.

1. Look at the lists of articles, sites and blogs that contain the highest bookmarks. This can make it easier for you to understand what kind of information your audience is looking for. It will be easier to market what you’ve got once you are aware of the needs and requirements of your intended market.

1. Familiarize yourself with how the bookmarking sites work. You should start creating lists that can be arranged depending on specific information gathered with each submission. By being more organized in this process, it will be easier for you to share vital details to your niche audience. To get this done, you need to type the URL into the designated box, after which you will fill-in the description box. This is vital because you need to sum up what the link is all about so people will be convinced that it is worth clicking. Aside from the description, you will also include the keywords and tags to index your submissions in an orderly manner.

Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to start networking by looking at other users and communicating with them through forums and comments. This is essential for you to be able to promote your own URLs, which can be the foundation of more traffic to your sites and more success to your online business.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Залхуугаа давах алтан дүрэм

Хүмүүс ямарваа нэг зүйл хийх ёстой ч түүнийгээ хийхээс нэг л зайлсхийгээд залхуу хүрэх тохиолдол байдаг. Тэгвэл энэ байдлаас яаж гарах вэ?
Энэ бол зөвхөн чамаас л шалтгаалах асуудал. Ингээд залхуугаас гарч өөрсдийгөө зоригжуулахад урагшаа

1. Сэтэглийн хүч чиний хөдөлгөөнөөс

Энэ нь чи ямар нэг зүйл хийхээс залхуу чинь хүрээд байвал өөрийгөө зоригжуулах ямарваа нэг үгийг чи өөртөө хэл жишээ нь "би чаднаа" гэж. Гэхдээ энэ үгийг чи зүгээр хэлэх биш өөрийгөө зоригжуулахаар хүчтэй бөгөөд чангаар хэлхэд чамд маш их энерги хуримтлагдах болно.

2. Ямарваа нэг сайхан зүйлийн талаар бод

Ямар нэг баяртай зүлийн талаар бод. Урд нь ямар нэг бодсон зүйлээ хийж дуусгаад ямар амжилтанд хүрч байсан үеээ дурса, толгойгоо сэргээ. Ингэхэд л цаанаасаа чиний хийх хүсэл чинь ундраад л гараа ирнэ.

3. Хийх гэж байгаа зүйлээ хийснээр төсөөл

Энэ нь чи хийх гэж байгаа зүйлээ амжилттай хийснээр өөрийгөө төсөөл. Ургуулан бод.

4. Хэн нэгний амжилтанд хүрсэн түүхийг цаг завараа байнга уншиж байх.

Ингэснээр мэдээж чм тэр хүний амжилтанд бага зэрэг атаархаж өөрийгөө түүнтэй харьцуулж бодож эхэлдэг ба чамд ч бас амжилтанд хүрэх арга зам байгааг чи мэдрэх болно.